Have you ever had a dream that came true? Have you ever wanted something and had it come to you? Most of us have. This is the basic premise of the Law of Attraction.
I am currently enrolled in a training to get my Master Practitioner of EFT certification. One of the requirements is that we understand the premise of Energy Anatomy. I find energy in all of its forms to be very interesting.
In the course, we are explained the manifestation process through the Chakras from the top down. The 7th chakra is the inspiration; the 6th, the thought process. From there, we go down to the 5th where we give it voice. From the voice, we go into the heart chakra, the fourth, where we give it feeling and emotions. Going further down into the body, we get to the 3rd Chakra which is the solar plexus where we take ownership of it. Moving further along the process, we get to the 2nd chakra where we bring other people into the plan and delegate and create the plans for bringing it about, and then from there, it goes down into the 1st chakra where it is birthed and brought out into the world.
Here is the thing. While I believe this is the way some things occur, not everything does. There are times when something is thought and felt and it comes about. Think about that friend you have really had on your mind and all of a sudden you run into them or they reach out and call you. What about that song you have had on your mind and you hear it on the radio or in some obscure location?
For me, I have it happen all the time. It happens in simple ways sometimes, so easy I almost don’t even notice it. And sometimes it happens in the most fantastic miracle of a way. For example, I didn’t have enough for Christmas one year. I had a bill that was coming due and I had no way I was going to be able to pay it. I didn’t have anything to give my kids and I didn’t know how I was going to make it work. A shoe box was dropped on my doorstep with the exact amount of cash that I needed to be able to pay that bill and I received a call from a total stranger asking what we needed for the kids. Santa really did come to our house that year.
One of the people I follow says those things don’t happen. But they do. Sometimes you don’t have to do more than dream it and feel it and it shows up.
What about the other side of it though?
Do only the good things that we dream up occur?
This is such a tricky subject for me. Not everything that we dream up comes to pass in this reality, neither the good things nor the bad things. And, sometimes things happen that were never part of our consciousness.
I spent a good portion of my life with the man I thought I would be with for the rest of my life and into eternity. At a certain point, the reality I imagined and the one I am living diverged. His reality one day no longer matched mine. I don’t mean this in the sense of he didn’t see us together in this reality, I mean it as in he no longer experienced reality the way I do.
This break with reality that he experienced did not only affect him. It effected everything in my life. Everything I knew to be true was now subject to scrutiny. I felt like he threw a grenade at my reality and when I recovered from the shock, I found that nothing fit where it used to.
There were new pieces that had been added and I had no idea where they were supposed to go. At that point, I had two choices, I could join him in his insanity, or I could get curious. I could go within. I could turn to my God and I could ask for help to make sense of this life that no longer worked because my paradigm had been destroyed.
An interesting thing happens when you start looking at life curiously. You start to see things differently. You start to see that the world is not a box. You start to see that pieces you had picked up along the way, pieces that you had hidden away because they didn’t fit actually have a place.
Many times in my life I have had experiences that would make me question what I knew. I always found a way to make it work. Sometimes I would force it and it was like trying to get that square peg into the round hole. I didn’t necessarily make the peg round, I just shaved off a bit and shoved it, leaving the hole a little wonky and the piece misshapen.
Ken’s shift occurred after some particularly difficult moments in life. Moments that despite their extreme nature, I had been able to make work. This experience was so outrageous that no matter how hard I tried to make it work in my box, it just couldn’t. And then one day, KAPOW!, my world exploded. I was shell shocked. And, I decided to humble myself. I decided that rather than trying to know what everything meant, I would start to search. So I searched and I searched. And I searched some more.
I was inspired to make a move that was far away from everything I knew. It took me away from my family, my friends, two of my children and my home. I knew it was what needed to happen. In walking away from that reality, I was blessed with the most amazing gift.
I was blessed with the ability to reconstruct my reality. I was blessed with the ability to see an alternate paradigm. I was blessed to see that I just might not know it all. I have learned so many things. But the thing I have learned most is that no two people see things the same way and that as long as we inhabit this world, we will never know how it all works. The very most we can do is put the pieces together in the way that feels best. If we’re lucky, we will have discovered that we are not alone and we can rely on our higher self to reveal our truth for this lifetime.
In her series, The Courage to Confront Evil, Caroline Myss postulates that we live in a time where people dangerously deny the existence of evil. It is her position that if there is good, there must be evil. In essence, it is her argument that it is our denial of evil that gives it its very power.
As she explains the law of attraction and the pieces that we are so eagerly consuming, she suggests that while we are so big on focusing on the positive, we forget that for all the positives, there are negatives that are also created. It is my understanding of what she said that those negatives that we deny and that we push under grow and grow as more energies are sent their way. She suggests that someone like Hitler was manifested as a result of all the resentment that had built up in the collective consciousness. Because it built up to a point, Hitler became the physical manifestation of the repressed negative energy that could no longer be contained in the energetic realm.
I have always felt drawn to the light, I can see the light in others and for a while, I thought that perhaps I could live a life free from the darkness and the shadows. Because of this, for a moment, I tried on the current “truth” being taught that “there is no darkness, only absence of light.” But, because I have experienced the darkness; not just in a Freddy Kruger on the screen way, but as a visceral, personal experience, I cannot live in that reality. It is a scary thing and it is real. Those experiences have truly given me pause and that fear is real.
My own personal demon came and inhabited my dear wuzband. And through that demon, I have learned truths about myself and I have learned hard truths about this lifetime. I also have different understandings. I will never be able to return to the me that held so tightly to the dogma of my youth.
As I have searched over the last several years, I found that there are things that I knew to be truths that simply no longer fit. It became very difficult as my knowledge shifted. I felt like I was betraying myself and my God. I felt like I was betraying my parents and all those who had supported me and taught me throughout my life. I felt like a hypocrite as I started to question things that I had judged others for questioning.
In my younger days, when someone with different understanding would question my devotion to my belief system, I would tell them with pious certainty that they were lost and they needed to humble themself before God so they could know that my truth was theirs. Looking at it through my current lens, I now see just how shortsighted and narrow minded that was.
It is easy to hold to a truth when it is the only thing you know. As I have searched the holy scriptures, as is often promoted through many religions, I have found that there are some truths that are universal to all religions. There are similarities in each of the major theologies whether they are Christian or otherwise. To me, these seem to be Truth.
Each theology, however, has its own twist. A way in which it interprets the truth that makes it a little unique. It is these little interpretations that actually seem to cause the majority of conflict. I think it is important to remember that regardless of which “truth” is being studied, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM has been interpreted my a human being. That being said, each truth has been brought about through the lens of that person, being influenced by their past, their filters and their paradigm.
This is why curiosity is so very important. There is no person on this planet who is completely objective. Everyone, regardless of how “enlightened” or “chosen” they are is subject to their human form. My understanding at this point is that we came here to learn a lesson. I have heard something along the lines of “humans having a spiritual experience” and “Spirits having a human experience.”
Either way, if there is more to this life and if we are indeed a part of a bigger plan, could it be that we have a higher source to help us figure out what we need to know? Could it be that higher source knows the plan? Is it possible that if we will ask, we can learn what feels right to us? And if it feels right, adopt it. If it doesn’t, ask why not. And is it possible that we can always have an open mind? Because, the truth of today may not be the truth of tomorrow when a new piece of data is brought into the equation.
And, can we be gentle with ourselves as we strive to figure it out? Can we remain humble and curious on this path?